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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ 〜に (ni-2) ]

〜に (ni-2) - to, from (indirect object marker)

--- Examples ---
I got this from my mother.  

Please let me know when you we get there.  

I will call a friend.  

I will give an apple to you.  

He got scolded by the teacher.  

--- Comments ---
Remind me to check up on 貰う etc. with all that in-group / out-group etc
stuff.  (contributor: Amatuka)

に marks the indirect object of the verb
receiver of the action
(contributor: Miki)

Some E translations don't have right words just for に and I put verb
instead. Please change English if you have better translation.
(contributor: Miki)

there is a mistake in the grammar in #4899
should be something like 'please let me know when you get there.' 
(contributor: ck1984)

'に marks the indirect object of the verb
receiver of the action'

this causes some confusion with ex #4902 since 'he' is the one receiving
the scolding? (contributor: skysongz)

I was a bit confused about this as well, though thinking of it as marking
an indirect object helps so much-- all of the books and things have
explained it in a way that connects it to its first meaning...
(contributor: Saralynne)

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