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文法: Grammar a Day - Level 4 [ 〜始める (-hajimeru) ]

〜始める (-hajimeru) - to begin/start VERB-ing

--- Notes ---
This construct expresses the beginning of an action or verb. It takes the 
of the verb and appends to it the auxiliary verb 始める.

--- Examples ---
I started reading the book.  

I really began reading books in earnest once I was a University Student.  

After 6 p.m. the employees began to disappear.  

So friendly was his letter that she was deeply moved and began to cry.  

My mother  looked up the history of coffee cups.  

All of a sudden my mother began to sing.  

The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most
popular writers.  

To make matters worse, it began to thunder fiercely.  

--- Comments ---
'When i really began to read books was after i became a University

What are the differences here betweeen the yomihajimeta and the
yomidashita? It feels as if the yomidashita is done in a faster way or
something more epochal? Appreciate the comments on this observation :)!
(contributor: Exrulez)

V-hajimeta and

I infer some differences from the examples we have so far (need more
though, hint hint :)

yomi-hajimeta : that was the first time I started reading

ugoki-dashita : it started moving
not neccesarily the first time.

ugoki-hajimeta : it started to move (first time?)

also, depends on the verb. -dashita seems to feel more sudden, violent to
me, like machinery lurching to a start... ? (contributor: dc)

PS i added your example anyway above, but as a -hajimeta (on this page). by
adding examples makes it easier for others to edit (comments can only be
edited/deleted by their author but ex's are open) (contributor: dc)

I cannot find a difference between V出すand vし始める.  (contributor:

出す have a nuance of sudden action

走り出す means to 'break into a run', like when a girl sees a cockroach
and she '走り出す'。

始めた have a more neutral meaning, as in started eating, or start
running in the case of '走り始めた' (like you start running when a
race start.)

so that's what i think... (contributor: arkofnoah)

I changed the information about this entry, because the entry appeared to
be a grammar rule for the plain past tense of 始める, when in fact the
rule can be abstracted to cover the entirety of conjugations of the verb
(be it plain, polite, past, non-past).

@Miki - arkofnoah hit it right on the head; 〜出す carries an
'explosive' feeling along with it. 〜始める does not. (contributor:

Yes, I agree with arkofnoah.(@_@) (contributor: Miki)

Are there any exmaples of 「生き始める」and the usage of this
compound verb?
Thank you
(contributor: Patty)

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